The Snowman + Himkok Aquavit
The Snowman by Jo Nesbø is a quintessential nordic detective thriller. Looking for something a bit haunting, full of twists and turns, a grip of characters, and set in the gloom of winter? Well, number 7 of the Harry Hole detective series is a story you just might want to take a crack at. A young boy, Jonas, wakes to find the first snowfall, his mother missing, and a snowman facing the house wearing his mother’s pink scarf. Harry Hole, a skilled detective and struggling alcoholic, investigates this murder and a slew of others, finding connections between the murder of a string of women and the first snowfall of the year. But, as he continues to unravel this case, he is drawn deeper and deeper into the mind of a killer and unknown dangers. (Published by Knopf.)
Harry Hole is the best stereotypical detective character you could ever want - intelligent, tough, dedicated to the job, and a bit tortured. What else could one ask for when reading a Norwegian thriller? Oh, I know… a nice glass of Aquavit to pair with the book. Norwegian Aquavit must be made of potato spirits from at least 95% Norwegian potatoes, contain caraway or dill seeds, and be aged for at least six months in an oak barrel. It has a strong taste to go with a strong character.
Himkok Aquavit
Open the bottle and pour it into a glass
Surprisingly light and with a more caraway-forward taste, Himkok’s Aquavit is distilled on-site at their bar/distillery. While we can argue whether this classifies as true Norwegian Aquavit due to its lack of aging, we can all agree this is the perfect pair to The Snowman.