Red Rising + Golden Pleasures
Red Rising by Pierce Brown is the smashing first book in the Red Rising Saga. This first installment sucks the reader into a world of a future color-coded society. It opens to Darrow, a member of the lowest cast of Red, who is working with the rest of his kind to terraform Mars from the inside out. Reds justify the harrowing work they endure deep in the bowels of Mars because they know their children will have a better life. However, unbeknownst to the Reds, humanity reached the surface of Mars generations ago. Darrow learns that his life, and the life of his people, is not the noble path of a self-sacrificing pioneer, but the life of a slave under the boot of an indulgent Gold ruling class. Fueled by a sense of justice, past lost love, and complete anger, he gives up everything to infiltrate the Gold cast. Darrow joins the Institute, a brutal training ground where the top-tier Gold youth go to prove their worth. Through deception, strength, and commitment Darrow seeks to change his world the only way he can - by becoming a Gold. (Published by Del Ray Books)
A society based on a color-coded hierarchy is ready for some Golden Pleasures from Like Darrow, this libation isn’t purely one thing or the other, but a beautiful split-base cocktail of vodka + gin that plays very well together. Learn to get along, open this book, and swig this cocktail.
Golden Pleasures
2.5 cl Vodka
2.5 cl Coca Leaf Gin
1.5 cl Merwut Vermouth
1.5 cl Benedictine
1.5 cl Cointreau
Absinthe and lemon express glass rinse. Stir all with plenty of ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Then, garnish with a dehydrated blood orange wheel.
“Rather a drink be my master than a man. These chains taste sweet.”