The Circle + Old Pal
“The Circle” by Dave Eggers is a dystopian novel about modern-day big data/social media firms and their influence on society. Mae is hired to work at The Circle, the most powerful internet company in existence, and she cannot believe her fortune. As the book progresses you watch technology become the filter and barrier for all that she does, as well as for those around her. This novel is an obvious nod to our modern day Amazons and Facebooks, as well as a not so hidden comment about how many people are living their lives right now - via a screen. While this book may not be groundbreaking in many ways, it does shine the spotlight on the negative side of technology. Yes, technology is a phenomenal thing, but how do we stay human, real, and connected in a grounded way? (Published by Knopf)
I don’t know about you all, but I do have these moments when I have small panic attacks at the level of personal information we are all just volunteering into unseen databases. I mean, I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means and I am a user of social media accounts (this one included), but I did feel I needed a nice stiff drink to calm my nerves on this one. I felt like I needed the face-to-face comfort of an Old Pal. Luckily, I found me some inspiration to pull out the rye, take a swig, and keep my nose in my book. Getting bookish + boozy every day.
Old Pal
- 2 oz Rye
- 1 oz Campari
- 1 oz Dry Vermouth
Lemon peel to garnish
“They stood briefly, each two-fisted, and Mae could think of nothing but clinking all four glasses together, which they did.”