Leviathan Wakes + As the World Falls Down
“Leviathan Wakes” by James S.A. Corey is book one of The Expanse science fiction series. This is just solid futuristic space saga fun. A suspenseful multi-character read that is set in a time where humanity has colonized the whole solar system. Jim Holden is an XO of an ice mining ship who, along with his loyal crew, stumbles up an abandoned ship called the Scopuli. This, of course, leads to a larger more sinister plot in which Jim and his crew cross paths with Detective Miller. This Detective was sent on the trail a rich girl who has abandoned her privileged life, but ends up being the key to a complicated and universe threatening plot between Earth, the Outer Planet Revolutionaries, and powerful corporations. (Published by Orbit)
Honestly, this book is just fun. If I remember properly, the cover shouted out that this book was a “space opera.” How cool is that?!? I mean, it may be that the storyline is one that will literally end not only the world, but also the universe and humankind as we know it. But honestly, who isn’t already thinking about that right about now? I spotted this most perfectly titled drink on Instagram in the As The World Falls Down, but I was also struck by the space age contraption that this beauty was served up in. Good luck finding such a contraption for your home presentation, but get to shaking this baby up and jump into Corey’s adventurous read. Just don’t forget your oxygen and space suit…
As the World Falls Down
- 2.0oz Tequila El Ray
- 0.75oz lime
- 0.5oz Dried Banana and Saffron Syrup
- 0.5oz L'Orgeat Almond Liqueur
- Orange Bitters
- Egg White
- Saffron Garnish
“Liquor doesn’t make you feel better. Just makes you not so worried about feeling bad.”